
Published on Aug. 22, 2023, 12:09 p.m.

Whizzywig在线编辑器多浏览器支持,Web 安全色选择器,支持表格,图片,Word 代码清洁,拼写检查等功能。

今天给大家带来是一款drupal下的所见即对编辑器,在未发现Whizzywig之前napoler一直喜欢使用 WYSIWYG模块来安装所见即的编辑器。相比与Whizzywig,WYSIWYG 虽然有较多的编辑器支持,但是Whizzywig的速度绝不是吹的,可以看看一下来自http://drupal.org/project/whizzywig的说明:



Are you looking for the fastest and smallest WYSIWYG Editor and 100% customized for Drupal? Then Whizzwyg is the answer. Fastest and smallest WYSIWYG Editor but features rich. You may not believe how fast and small this editor until you try it!

呵呵,看到了吧,号称最快的编辑器,而且100%采用drupal代码。相比之下的fck ck 等编辑器显的实在太过臃肿,但在功能上却毫不逊色,看过下面的表格对比就知道了:


Whizzywig FCKeditor/TinyMCE Others
100% Drupal oriented Yes. We have edited the source code of whizzywig.js to meet Drupal framework!Since 6.x-2.0-beta3 we use ORIGINAL whizzywig61.js No No
Built in Image Browser Yes. Now provides Original & Modified File/Image Browser No No
Built in File Manager (File Upload, Resize, Delete, etc) Yes No No
Image Preview Yes No (TinyMCE provides commercial Image Browser) No
Able to create sub-folder Yes No No
Access Time Very Fast Slow Fast
Space required (uncompressed size) 150 KB 4.4 MB/1.8 MB +/- 500 KB
Support insert/delete for column/row in table Yes Yes No
Independent module Yes (6.x-1.x) but No (6.x-2.x, must download whizzywigXX.js) No (require wysiwyg module and additional third party files, but FCKeditor provides an independent module) No (require wysiwyg module and additional third party files, but some editors provide independent module)
Custom buttons Yes Yes No
Teaser break Use excerpt module Yes or use excerpt module Use excerpt module

安装后默认只能对page类型应用,只要在后面加上你的文章类型就ok了!×-× * 官方: http://www.unverse.net/WYSIWYG-multi * 模块地址:http://drupal.org/project/whizzywig