
Published on Aug. 22, 2023, 12:09 p.m.


Hello from Chitika!   We have been busy working on new ways to increase your revenue using our ads and are excited to offer you a sneak peak at what we’re doing and a chance to be the first to test out our new products.   Our limited private beta version of Chitika Apps is being offered to an exclusive group of publishers and includes four innovative ad types:

Chitika Linx: In-text ad units that automatically identify and connect keywords on your page to interactive product listings

Chitika Pages: Inserted into the normal flow of your site, these interstitial (or “in between”) ads display after a click but before the user is redirected to the next destination

Chitika Highlighter: Interest targeted ads will be served based on a keyword a user has highlighted on your site, appearing directly below the paragraph of text   

Chitika Hover: Highly effective and one of the best ways to have your ads seen, the units hover on the bottom right corner of the page as visitors scroll and interact with content

To be among the first to test our units and start making more money today, all you need to do is respond to this email and include the ad type you are interested in (choose one or all!) – We’ll take care of the setup for you.  We are excited to offer these exciting new ad types in addition to our high performing stationary text and mobile ad units you are familiar with. As a valuedChitika Publisher we are interested in your feedback, ideas, and suggestions. They are an invaluable resource of information and will help improve and expedite our network wide launch later this year. In the meantime, check out a full description of our units here: http://chitika.com/publishers/apps   We look forward to hearing from you!   Best Regards,   Sarah Rios Affiliate Manager(508)439-4726 ext. 987 [email protected] 接到郵件後Terry就在後臺找了下,不過一直都沒找到,直到昨天登錄chitika後臺才發現了新廣告形式的鏈接,如下圖:


只要勾選enable並且點擊Upate Setting,更新設置就可以了,在每種廣告形式的下面都提供了了Demo頁面,來查看廣告效果,不過很悲慘的我這裡看不到效果.不知道你能不能顯示.

