ModelQueue: Django task queue based on Django models

Published on Aug. 22, 2023, 12:12 p.m.

“You have effectively ignored most of what’s important in queuesing theory.”.

ModelQueue is a task queue based on Django models.ModelQueue is dangerous project .It takes a bad idea and makes it easy to use.You may regret using your database as a task list but it won’t be today!

Features include:

  • Pure-Python
  • Supports the admin interface of Django.
  • Tasks can be aborted, and canceled .
  • Supports multiple tries per task.
  • Bring your own parallelism with threading.
  • Performance matters
  • Fully documented and documented.
  • Compatible with all versions of Django.
  • It was tested on Linux, Mac OS X and Windows.

The installation of ModelQueue is simple with pip :

$ python -m pip install modelqueue

You can access documentation in the interpreter using the built-in help function :

import modelqueue

This part of the documentation describes introduction, benchmarks, development, andAPI.
ModelQueue Documentation


For example, in appname/

import modelqueue
from django.db import models

class Task(models.Model):
    data = models.TextField()
    status = modelqueue.StatusField(
        # ^-- Just a models.BigIntegerField
        # ^-- Index for faster queries.
        # ^-- Waiting state is ready to run.

In appname/management/commands/

import modelqueue, time
from import BaseCommand
from .models import Task

class Command(BaseCommand):

    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        while True:
            task =
                # ^-- Queryset of models to process.
                # ^-- Field name for model queue.
                # ^-- Callable to process model.
            if task is None:
                # ^-- Bring your own parallelism/concurrency.

    def process(self, task):
        pass  # Process task models.

In appname/

class TaskAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    actions = [*modelqueue.admin_actions('status')]
    # ^-- Change task status in admin.
    list_filter = [
        # ^-- Filter tasks in admin by queue state.

    def get_changeform_initial_data(self, request):
        # v-- Automatically fill in status field when adding a new task.
        return {'status': int(modelqueue.Status.waiting())}

ModelQueue at PyPI