Django Queryset Limit Results: How to limit the number of answers in Django Queryset Results

Published on Aug. 22, 2023, 12:12 p.m.

In some case, we need to limit the results.How to limit the number of answers in Django Querysets.If we do queryset.all(), it will return all the objects in the database.Let’s see how we can limit the .


It will return all the objects when you do queryyset.all().So you can use the square bracket (shallow) to limit the results.

limit_django_objects = TestDjango.objects.all()[:5]

Below code will return limited results from database.You can also do [5:10] to get from 6 to 10 objects.
What if you want to limit the queryset result in frontend instead.You can use the slice to limit the results in the frontend.

{% for test_django in test_django_objects|slice:":10" %}
    {{ test_django }}
{% endfor %}