Gmail vs Outlook: Which is better email app for Android users?

Published on Aug. 22, 2023, 12:13 p.m.

Google and Microsoft have their own solid products: Gmail and Outlook.Both of these products are available as apps on Android, where you can sign up for their email services.

1. Interface and Ease Use.

Gmail integrates Google’s trademark Material design that you can relate to as an Android user.

Outlook has more of a traditional interface.

2. Compatibility With Email Providers

Both Gmail and Outlook work great with various email providers.

Gmail allows you to add multiple accounts.You can add POP3 or IMAP accounts by manual setup.Outlook offers both types of setup.

3. Email Writing Features

Gmail has a smoother process for writing new emails.You can attach one from your Google Drive storage.You can schedule your messages for delivery later.

Outlook allows you to add calendar elements like your availability for a date .You can add attachments from local storage .

4. Email Management and Organization

Gmail allows you to move an email to a different category, snooze notifications for a specific time.The AI used by Gmail will automatically remember your preferences.

Outlook also tries to auto-manage your emails by separating the important ones in the Focused view .It also has features like the ability to ignore conversations from certain senders.

5. Customization Options in the Settings

In Gmail, you can personalize the theme and change the default notification actions .

In addition, Outlook offers a few options for customizing your life.It also has a text prediction feature that allows you to write professional emails efficiently .

6. Value-Added Features

Gmail provides you with quick suggestions for an email reply.And its vacation responder feature allows you to notify your contacts.

Outlook has a built-in calendar that allows you to track entertainment events.

Which of These email apps is Better?

Both email and Outlook are free to use.If you look at both apps equally useful.

For users who prefer simplicity and ease of use, Gmail is the way to go.If you want more options and something less Google-y, than you should go for Outlook.