How to Install and Remove Software in Manjaro Linux with Pacman and yay

Published on Aug. 22, 2023, 12:13 p.m.

Since Manjaro is based on Arch Linux, most of this tutorial can also be used for Arch Linux.

For this tutorial, I will be using Manjaro 20 desktop environments.

Graphical applications are easy to use, but terminal or command line programs are faster.

Install and Remove Software in Manjaro Linux with Pacman command

Installation of software in Manjaro Linux with Pacman :

Pacman is the command line package manager for Arch based distros.

Since it’s a terminal application, Pacman can run pretty quickly.

You can remove out of date mirrors:

pacman-mirrors -g

When that is finished you will need to sync the Pacman database.

sudo pacman -Syy

To install an application, all you have to do is enter the following command: pacman -S PACKAGENAME.Just replace the name of the application you want to install with PackAGENAME.

Pacman Installation

Remove Software in Manjaro Linux with pacman

Removing software with Pacman is almost as easy.

sudo pacman -R PACKAGENAME

Just replace the name of the package you want to remove with PackAGENAME.

Install and Remove Software in Manjaro Linux with yay

While you can’t install an application from the AUR using Pacman, there are a number of terminal programs .Yay is one of the most well known examples.

Install Software in Manjaro Linux with yay

You can install packages from the official repositories and AUR.You need to install yay on your machine.

git clone
cd yay
makepkg -si

Yay is a great thing because it lets you search for the application you want to install. All you have to do is use this command:


Don’t forget to replace PACKAGENAME with the name of the application .

Yay Installation

Depending on how large the file is and how much work “yay” has to do to prepare the file.

Remove Software in Manjaro Linux with yay

To remove an AUR application with yay.