how to get help in kde ?

Published on Aug. 22, 2023, 12:14 p.m.

To get help with KDE, you can use several resources provided by the community. Here are some suggestions:

  1. The KDE community website has a support section with links to documentation, forums, mailing lists, and IRC channels:
  2. The KDE documentation website provides user manuals, tutorials, and guides for KDE software:
  3. KDE forums allow you to ask questions and get help from other users and developers:
  4. The KDE bug tracking system allows you to report bugs and issues with KDE software:
  5. KDE IRC channels are a good place to ask for help and get real-time support:
  6. KDE mailing lists allow you to participate in discussions and ask for help:

Overall, the KDE community is known for being friendly and helpful, so don’t hesitate to reach out for assistance if you are having trouble with KDE software.


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