how to install a Python package or module to a local directory using `pip`

Published on Aug. 22, 2023, 12:15 p.m.

how to install a Python package or module to a local directory using pip.
To do this, you can use the --target option with pip install.

Here’s an example:

pip install SomePackage --target=/path/to/local/directory

This will install the SomePackage package to the specified local directory instead of the default Python installation directory.

You can also use the -t shorthand instead of –target. Here’s an example:

pip install SomePackage -t /path/to/custom/directory

Note that when you use the –target option, you’ll need to update your Python path to include the custom directory so that Python can find the installed package. You can do this by adding the following lines to your script:

import sys

This will add the custom directory to your Python path and allow you to import the installed package from there.

Alternatively, you can also use the --user option to install the package to the local user directory. Here’s an example:

pip install SomePackage --user

This will install the package to the local user directory such as ~/.local on Linux systems.

