How to create a new thread in Python

Published on Aug. 22, 2023, 12:15 p.m.

To create a new thread in Python, you can use the threading module, which allows you to create and manage threads in a high-level way. Here is an example of how to create a new thread in Python:

import threading

def my_function():
    print("Starting my_function")
    # Your code here
    print("Ending my_function")

thread = threading.Thread(target=my_function)

print("Thread started")

In this example, a new thread is created by creating an instance of the Thread class and passing the target function my_function as an argument. The start() method is then called on the thread object to start the new thread. The main thread continues execution and prints “Thread started”. When the new thread finishes executing my_function, it terminates automatically.

You can pass arguments to the target function by placing them in a tuple and passing the tuple as the args parameter when creating the thread. For example:

import threading

def my_function(x, y):
    print("Starting my_function")
    # Your code here
    print("Ending my_function")

thread = threading.Thread(target=my_function, args=(1, 2))

print("Thread started")

In this example, my_function is called with arguments 1 and 2.


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