How to write an empty function in Python - pass statement?

Published on Aug. 22, 2023, 12:15 p.m.

In Python, you can write an empty function using the pass statement. The pass statement is a null operation in Python, which means it performs no action. Here’s an example of how to write an empty function:

def my_function():

In this example, we define a function called my_function() with no arguments or implementation. The pass statement is used to create an empty code block, which satisfies the requirement that a function must have at least one statement.

The pass statement can also be used in other situations where an empty or placeholder block of code is required, such as in loops or conditionals. It is useful when writing incomplete code that can be filled in later, or for defining functions or classes that do not have any implementation yet.

Note that using pass to write empty code blocks should be used judiciously, as it can make code harder to read and maintain if overused. It is important to make sure that pass statements are properly commented to explain their purpose and avoid confusion.
