How to use while True in Python

Published on Aug. 22, 2023, 12:15 p.m.

In Python, the while True loop is a commonly used construct that allows you to write an infinite loop that continues executing until a break statement is encountered. The syntax for using while True is as follows:

while True:
    # do something indefinitely
    if some_condition:
        break       # exit the loop if some condition is met

In this example, we use while True to create an infinite loop that continues executing until a break statement is encountered. Inside the loop, we can execute any code we want, such as reading user input, processing data, or performing calculations. The loop will continue executing until we encounter a break statement or an exception is raised.

while True can be a powerful and versatile tool, but it should be used with caution. It is important to make sure that the loop eventually exits to avoid infinite loops that can cause programs to crash or hang. It is also important to carefully control when the break statement is used to avoid unexpected or unintended behavior.

To use while True in Python, you can use the following syntax:

while True:
    # Code to execute indefinitely
    if some_condition:
        break  # Exit the loop if some condition is met

In this example, the flow of execution will enter the while True loop and continue executing until it encounters a break statement or an unhandled exception occurs. Inside the loop, you can execute any code that you want to repeat indefinitely.

It’s important to ensure that some condition is eventually met to exit the loop, otherwise the loop will execute indefinitely. You can use an if statement inside the loop to check for a condition and use the break statement to exit the loop when that condition is met.

It’s also important to note that an infinite loop can be dangerous, especially if your code is running on a server, and can cause your program to crash or hang if not properly handled. Always use while True with caution and make sure it is used correctly to avoid unintended or unintended behavior.
