How to Do Calculus with Python

Published on Aug. 22, 2023, 12:15 p.m.

There are several libraries in Python for doing calculus, such as NumPy, SciPy, and SymPy. Here’s an example of how to use the SymPy library to do calculus in Python:

import sympy as sp

# Define the variables you will be using
x, y, z = sp.symbols('x y z')

# Differentiate a function with respect to a variable
f = x**2 + 2*x + 1
dfdx = sp.diff(f, x)

# Integrate a function with respect to a variable
g = sp.exp(x) + sp.sin(x)
integral = sp.integrate(g, x)

# Evaluate a limit
h = (x**2 - 4) / (x - 2)
limit = sp.limit(h, x, 2)

In this example, we first import the SymPy library and define the variables we will be using. We then differentiate a function f with respect to the variable x, integrate a function g with respect to x, and evaluate a limit of a function h as x approaches 2. We print the results to the console.

SymPy is a Python library for symbolic mathematics , so it can manipulate mathematical expressions symbolically, rather than numerically. This makes it a useful tool for doing calculus and other types of symbolic math.

To install SymPy

To install SymPy, you can use the pip package manager in the command line. Here are the steps:

  1. Open the command prompt (on Windows) or the terminal (on Mac or Linux).
  2. Type the following command and press Enter:
pip install sympy

This will download and install the latest version of SymPy from the Python package index.

Alternatively, if you prefer to install SymPy with Anaconda, you can use the following command:

conda install sympy

This will install SymPy and all its dependencies using the Anaconda package manager.

After installing SymPy, you can import it in your Python script using the following line of code:

import sympy as sp


While NumPy is primarily a library for numerical computing, it does come with some basic functionality for performing calculus operations. Here is an example of how to do calculus in Python using NumPy:

import numpy as np

# Define the variable and function values
x = np.array([0, 1, 2, 3])
y = x**2

# Differentiate the function using NumPy
dydx = np.gradient(y, x)

# Integrate the function using NumPy
integral = np.trapz(y, x)

In this example, we first define the values of the variable x and the function y. We then use the np.gradient() function to calculate the first derivative of the function y with respect to x. Finally, we use the np.trapz() function to calculate the definite integral of the function y with respect to x. We print the results to the console.

Note that while NumPy can be used for basic calculus operations, it may not be as powerful or flexible as other libraries such as SymPy or SciPy. Additionally, the results may not be as precise since NumPy operates on numerical values rather than symbolic expressions.


To do calculus using SciPy in Python, you can use the scipy.integrate and scipy.misc submodules.

Here is an example of how to calculate the derivative, second derivative, and integral of a function with SciPy:

from scipy.misc import derivative
from scipy.integrate import quad
import numpy as np

# Define the function to differentiate and integrate
def f(x):
    return np.sin(x)

# Calculate the first and second derivative of the function at x = 0
print(derivative(f, 0, dx=1e-6, n=1))
print(derivative(f, 0, dx=1e-6, n=2))

# Calculate the integral of the function from 0 to pi/2
integral, error = quad(f, 0, np.pi/2)

In this example, we first import the derivative function from the scipy.misc submodule and the quad function from the scipy.integrate submodule. We then define a function f to differentiate and integrate. We use the derivative function to calculate the first and second derivative of f at x = 0. Finally, we use the quad function to calculate the definite integral of f from 0 to pi/2. We print the results to the console.

SciPy is a library that builds on top of NumPy, and it provides many more scientific computation functions than just calculus. It contains submodules for statistics, optimization, signal processing, and more.
