How to connect WiFi using Python?

Published on Aug. 22, 2023, 12:15 p.m.

There are multiple ways to connect to a Wi-Fi network using Python, but one common way is to use the subprocess module to execute command line arguments related to Wi-Fi connection for the operating system used. Here is an example for Windows using netsh command:

import subprocess

# Configure Wi-Fi network settings
ssid = "example_network"
password = "example_password"
command = "netsh wlan add profile filename=\"{}\"".format(ssid)
args = ["keyMaterial={}".format(password)]
result =, capture_output=True, input="\n".join(args), encoding="cp1252")

# Connect to Wi-Fi network
command = "netsh wlan connect name=\"{}\"".format(ssid)
result =, capture_output=True, encoding="cp1252")

# Check status of Wi-Fi connection
command = "netsh wlan show interfaces"
result =, capture_output=True, encoding="cp1252")

This example sets up a new Wi-Fi network with the given SSID and password using the netsh wlan add profile command. Then, it connects to that network using netsh wlan connect. Finally, it checks the status of the connection by running netsh wlan show interfaces.

Note that this example is specifically for Windows, and the commands used to configure and connect to a Wi-Fi network may be different on other operating systems. Also, this code run as admin so if you encounter access denied errors you need to run the script with admin privileges.


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