How to Use Proxies to Rotate IP Addresses in Python

Published on Aug. 22, 2023, 12:15 p.m.

To use proxies to rotate IP addresses in Python, you can use the requests library along with a list of proxies. Here is an example code that shows how to send an HTTP GET request using a rotating proxy:

import requests
from itertools import cycle

# define the list of proxies
proxies = [

# create an iterator that will loop over the proxies
proxy_pool = cycle(proxies)

url = ''

# send GET requests using rotating proxies
for i in range(3):
    # get the next proxy from the proxy pool
    proxy = next(proxy_pool)
    print(f"Using proxy {proxy}")

        response = requests.get(url, proxies={'http': proxy, 'https': proxy}, timeout=5.0)
    except Exception as e:

In this example, we have defined a list of proxies with their respective URLs. We then create an iterator called proxy_pool that will loop over the proxies indefinitely using the cycle() function imported from itertools.

We then send GET requests to a target URL using the requests.get() method, and we pass a dictionary of proxies along with the request using the proxies parameter. The timeout parameter is set to 5.0 to avoid waiting indefinitely for a response.

We then use a try-except block to catch any exceptions that may arise from sending the requests, such as connection timeouts or invalid proxies.


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