How to Handle Files in Python

Published on Aug. 22, 2023, 12:16 p.m.

Python provides a range of built-in functions and modules for handling files. Here are some common file handling tasks you can perform in Python:

  1. Opening a file: You can use the open() function to open a file in your Python script.
  2. Reading from a file: You can use the read() method to read the contents of a file. Alternatively, you can use the readline() method to read a line at a time.
  3. Writing to a file: You can use the write() method to write data to a file.
  4. Closing a file: It’s good practice to close a file after you’ve finished reading from or writing to it. You can use the close() method to close a file.

Here is an example code snippet that demonstrates how to read from a file and print its contents to the console:

with open('data.txt', 'r') as file:
    content =

In this example, we use the with statement to open the file in read mode. We then read its contents using the read() method and store the result in a variable called content. Finally, we print the contents of the file to the console.

Note that file handling in Python is highly flexible, allowing you to work with different file types, such as text files, binary files, CSV files, and more. Additionally, Python provides several useful modules for dealing with files, such as os, os.path, and shutil.

Make sure to handle exceptions properly to avoid errors when handling files in Python.
