How to Remove a character from a Python string through index

Published on Aug. 22, 2023, 12:16 p.m.

Here’s an example of how to remove a character from a Python string through its index:

my_string = "Hello world!"
index_to_remove = 5

new_string = my_string[:index_to_remove] + my_string[index_to_remove + 1:]


In this example, my_string is the original string, index_to_remove is the index of the character you want to remove (in this case, ” ” at index 5), and new_string is the result of removing that character. The code uses string slicing to get the part of my_string before the character at the specified index, and appends it to the part of the string after that character. The output will be “Helloworld!”.

Note that if the index you want to remove is outside the range of the string, this code will raise an exception. You may want to add some error checking to make sure the index is valid.


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