How to remove first character from a string in Python

Published on Aug. 22, 2023, 12:16 p.m.

To remove the first character from a Python string, you can use string slicing or string methods. Here are a few examples:

Using string slicing:

my_string = "Hello world!"
new_string = my_string[1:]

In this example, my_string is the original string, and new_string is the result of removing the first character from the string using string slicing. The code uses the my_string[1:] slicing syntax to get all the characters in the string except for the first one.

Using string methods:

my_string = "Hello world!"
new_string = my_string.replace(my_string[0], '', 1)

In this example, my_string is the original string, and new_string is the result of removing the first character from the string using the replace() method. The replace() method is used to replace the first instance of the first character in the string (my_string[0]) with an empty string, effectively removing it.

Note that if the string is empty, both of these methods will raise an exception. You may want to add some error checking to make sure the string is not empty before trying to remove the first character.


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