How To Convert Data Types in Python 3

Published on Aug. 22, 2023, 12:16 p.m.

To convert data types in Python 3, you can use explicit type conversion functions or implicit type conversion.

Explicit type conversion functions include:

  • int() to convert a value to an integer
  • float() to convert a value to a float
  • str() to convert a value to a string
  • bool() to convert a value to a boolean
  • list() to convert a value to a list
  • tuple() to convert a value to a tuple

For example, to convert a string to an integer, you can use the int() function like this:

string_num = "42"
num = int(string_num)

This will output the integer 42.

Implicit type conversion occurs automatically in certain situations, such as when performing arithmetic operations with different data types. For example, if you add an integer and a float, Python will automatically convert the integer to a float:

a = 5
b = 2.5
c = a + b

This will output the float 7.5.

It’s important to note that implicit type conversion may not always produce the desired result, and you may need to use explicit type conversion to ensure that your data is in the correct format.

These are just a few examples of how to convert data types in Python 3. The type conversion functions available in Python are versatile and powerful, enabling you to manipulate data in a variety of ways to meet your needs.


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