How To Use the Python Debugger

Published on Aug. 22, 2023, 12:16 p.m.

To use the Python debugger, you can use the built-in pdb module. Here are the basic steps:

Step 1: Importing the pdb module
To use the debugger, you need to import the pdb module. Here is an example:

import pdb

Step 2: Setting a breakpoint
To pause execution of your program at a specific point, you can set a breakpoint by inserting the following line of code:


This will pause execution of your program at that point and drop you into the debugger prompt.

Step 3: Navigating the Debugger Prompt
Once the pdb debugger is running, you can use a variety of commands to navigate and examine the state of your program. Here are a few useful commands:

  • n (next): executes the current line and moves to the next line
  • s (step into): steps into a function call, stopping at the first line of the function
  • c (continue): continues execution of the program until the next breakpoint
  • p (print): prints the value of a variable or expression
  • q (quit): quits the debugger and terminates the program

Step 4: Exiting the Debugger
When you are finished debugging, you can either continue execution of the program until it finishes or you can exit the debugger early by typing q and pressing Enter.

Overall, the pdb module is a powerful tool for debugging Python programs, and it can help you quickly identify and fix issues in your code. Practice using it to become comfortable with the various commands and techniques.


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