How to execute Lua code from Python

Published on Aug. 22, 2023, 12:16 p.m.

To execute Lua code from Python, you can use a Python library that provides a Lua interpreter. One such library is lupa. Here’s an example of how to use lupa to execute Lua from Python:

import lupa
from lupa import LuaRuntime

# Create a new Lua runtime
lua = LuaRuntime()

# Execute a Lua script
lua.execute("print('Hello world from Lua!')")

# Call a Lua function from Python
hello_lua = lua.eval("function(name) return 'Hello, ' .. name end")

This example creates a new Lua runtime using the LuaRuntime class from lupa, executes a Lua script using the execute method, and calls a Lua function from Python using the eval method.

Note that lupa requires that you have a Lua interpreter installed separately on your system. You can install Lua on Ubuntu by running sudo apt-get install lua5.3 in the terminal. On Windows, you can download the Lua for Windows distribution from the official website and install it.



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