How to handle missing or incomplete data in a CSV file?

Published on Aug. 22, 2023, 12:17 p.m.

To handle missing or incomplete data in a CSV file, you can use various methods depending on the nature and extent of the missing data. Here are some common methods:

  1. Drop rows or columns with missing data:

    • Use the dropna() function in pandas to remove rows or columns that contain missing data
    • Fill missing values with a default value:

    • Use the fillna() function in pandas to fill missing values with a specific value

    • Interpolate missing values:

    • Use the interpolate() function in pandas to replace missing values with interpolated values based on adjacent values in the dataset

    • Use statistical methods to impute missing values:

    • Use mean, median or mode imputation to replace missing values with summary values of the other data

    • Use regression models to predict missing values based on other data

Which method to use depends on the specific dataset in question and the assumptions made about the missing data. It’s important to carefully evaluate and document any method used to handle missing data and study how it may affect the analysis or conclusions drawn from the dataset.
