How to display files in a specific order using the ls command in Linux?

Published on Aug. 22, 2023, 12:17 p.m.

To display files in a specific order using the ls command in Linux, you can use the -r option to reverse the order, or the -t option to sort by modification time. Here are some examples:

To display the files in reverse alphabetical order:

ls -r

To display the files in chronological order based on their last modification time:

ls -t

To display the files in reverse chronological order:

ls -tr

These commands can be combined with other options such as -l and -a to display additional file information or include hidden files, respectively.

Alternatively, you can use the sort command to sort the output of the ls command based on various criteria. For example, to sort the files in alphabetical order:

ls | sort

This will pipe the output of the ls command to the sort command, which will sort the files alphabetically based on their names.

Note that the sort command can be used to sort files based on various criteria such as size, date, and file extension, by specifying different options. You can refer to the sort manual page (man sort) for more information on using this command.

