How to view log files in Linux?

Published on Aug. 22, 2023, 12:17 p.m.

To view log files in Linux, there are several commands you can use, depending on your preferred method:

  1. less: This command is useful for viewing log files in a terminal environment. Simply enter less [path/to/log/file] and you will be able to scroll through the log file using arrow keys.
  2. tail: This command is useful for viewing the most recent entries in a log file as they are written. Enter tail -f [path/to/log/file] and you will see new file entries as they are added to the log.
  3. cat: This command is useful for printing the entire contents of a log file to the terminal. Enter cat [path/to/log/file] and you will see the entire content of the log file printed to the terminal.
  4. grep: This command is useful for searching for a specific string or pattern within a log file. Enter grep [string/pattern] [path/to/log/file] and you will see all instances of the string/pattern within the log file.
  5. journalctl: This command is specific to systems using the systemd logging system. It allows you to view system logs, as well as logs from specific services. Enter journalctl [flags and filters] to customize the output of the logs.

