How to troubleshoot "out of memory" errors with Gensim?

Published on Aug. 22, 2023, 12:18 p.m.

If you are encountering “out of memory” errors while using the Gensim library, here are a few troubleshooting steps you can try:

  1. Reduce the size of your dataset: If you are working with a large dataset, try reducing the size of the data to fit within your available memory.
  2. Use lazy-loading: Gensim supports a lazy-loading mode that can save memory by only loading required data into memory as needed. To use lazy-loading, set the lazy_load parameter to True when loading a corpus or model.
  3. Increase available memory: If possible, try increasing the amount of RAM available to your system or the process running Gensim.
  4. Optimize your code: Ensure that your code is efficient and not using more memory than necessary. For example, if you are storing intermediate results in memory, consider writing results to disk or using a generator to stream data through your code.
  5. Use smaller models: If you are encountering memory issues with larger models, try using smaller or simpler models that require less memory.

I hope these steps help to resolve any “out of memory” errors you are encountering with Gensim.
