How to run a Python script as a specific user in a cron job?

Published on Aug. 22, 2023, 12:19 p.m.

To run a Python script as a specific user in a cron job, you can specify the user in the cron job entry using the sudo -u command. Here is an example:

* * * * * sudo -u username /usr/bin/python3 /path/to/

In this example, we’re running a Python script called every minute as the user username. The sudo -u command is used to specify the user that the command should be run as.

Note that the sudo command requires the user to have appropriate permissions to execute the Python script. You may need to set up permissions accordingly.

Also, ensure you update the file path and user name as per the specific location and user account in use.

Additionally, ensure that the Python interpreter path (/usr/bin/python3 in this case) is specified properly based on the location of the python3 executable on your system. You can check the location of the python3 executable by running the which python3 command in the terminal.

This should allow you to run the Python script as a specific user in a cron job on your system.
