How to install and use LibreOffice on Manjaro?

Published on Aug. 22, 2023, 12:20 p.m.

To install and use LibreOffice on Manjaro Linux, you can follow these steps:

Open the terminal application.
Type in the command sudo pacman -Sy libreoffice-fresh to install the latest version of LibreOffice.
Wait for the installation to complete.
Once installed, you can launch LibreOffice from the applications menu or by typing libreoffice in the terminal.
Alternatively, you can also install LibreOffice from the snap store using the following command:

sudo snap install libreoffice

After install, you can launch LibreOffice from the applications menu or by typing libreoffice in the terminal.

That’s how you can install and use LibreOffice on Manjaro Linux.

How to install snap on Manjaro?

To install Snap on Manjaro, you can use the following steps:

  1. Open your terminal application.
  2. Ensure your system is up to date by running the following command: sudo pacman -Syu.
  3. Install the snapd package by running the following command: sudo pacman -S snapd.
  4. Enable and start the Snap daemon using the following command: sudo systemctl enable --now snapd.
  5. Log out and log back in to your account so that your usergroup membership gets updated.
  6. Check if it’s working by installing a snap package such as hello-world by running the following command: snap install hello-world.

After completing these steps, you can install any Snap package available via the Snap Store. In Manjaro, you can install and manage Snap packages using the Add/Remove Software application (Pamac) or by using the command line.