How to use NFS with Docker containers?

Published on Aug. 22, 2023, 12:20 p.m.

To use NFS with Docker containers, you can follow these general steps:

  1. Install an NFS server on your host machine or use an existing NFS server. This can be done using your distribution’s package manager or by downloading and installing an NFS server manually.
  2. Ensure that your NFS server is configured to allow access from your Docker host and containers. This may involve configuring firewall rules, setting up permissions or user accounts, and configuring shared folders or volumes.
  3. Once your NFS server is set up and configured, you can create an NFS volume using Docker Volume Driver for NFS. You can install the driver using the command:
docker plugin install --grant-all-permissions vieux/nfs-volume
  1. Create an NFS volume by specifying the NFS server address and shared folder:
docker volume create --driver vieux/nfs-volume --name <volume-name> --opt nfsvers=4 --opt share=<server-address>:<shared-folder>

Replace <volume-name>, <server-address> and <shared-folder> with the appropriate values.

  1. Mount the NFS volume in your Docker container by referencing it in the docker run command using the -v option:
docker run -it --name <container-name> -v <volume-name>:<mount-path> <image-name>

Replace <container-name>, <volume-name>, <mount-path> and <image-name> with the appropriate values.

These steps are a general guideline for using NFS with Docker containers. Remember to consult the Docker documentation and community resources for more information and specific instructions for your setup.
