How do I backup and restore my Elasticsearch data?

Published on Aug. 22, 2023, 12:20 p.m.

The way to backup and restore Elasticsearch data:

To backup and restore Elasticsearch data, you can use the snapshot and restore API provided by Elasticsearch. Here are the steps to take a snapshot and restore:

  1. Register a snapshot repository where the snapshots will be stored. You can choose from various repositories such as shared file system, S3, and HDFS.
  2. Create a snapshot using the snapshot API, specifying the name of the snapshot, the repository name, and the indices to be backed up.
  3. To restore an index, first close it using the close index API. Then, restore the snapshot using the restore API, specifying the snapshot name, the repository name, and the index to be restored.
  4. Reopen the index using the open index API.

Note that the snapshot and restore API should not be used as a primary backup method. It is recommended to combine it with other methods, such as Elasticsearch’s built-in index replication, hot-warm architecture or Incremental backups.

If you want to automate backups, you can create a script that calls the snapshot and restore APIs periodically, for example using cron scheduler.

That’s it! Now you can backup and restore Elasticsearch data using the snapshot and restore APIs.