Python Example: Text Segmentation Script

Published on Aug. 22, 2023, 12:20 p.m.

Sure! Here’s an example Python script for text segmentation:

import re

def segment_text(text, max_length):
    # Split text into segments of maximum length
    segments = re.findall('.{1,' + str(max_length) + '}(?:\\s+|$)', text)
    return segments

# Example usage
text = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce euismod vestibulum magna, ac lobortis magna efficitur vel. Nulla nec ipsum id eros sodales rhoncus. Praesent auctor, risus quis tristique feugiat, nibh velit pharetra sapien, vel scelerisque dolor orci a sapien. Sed non magna non sem tincidunt consequat nec eu sem. Suspendisse a nulla eu risus dignissim auctor eget ac orci. Nam laoreet mi id ligula vehicula, quis vestibulum justo accumsan. Donec euismod tellus quis magna venenatis, ac congue nulla mollis. Ut porta odio ac tellus volutpat suscipit. Proin vitae enim in nulla rhoncus consequat nec non arcu."
max_length = 50

segments = segment_text(text, max_length)
for i, segment in enumerate(segments):
    print(f"Segment {i+1}: {segment}")

In this script, the segment_text() function takes in two arguments: the text to be segmented and the max_length of each segment. It then uses a regular expression to split the text into segments of at most max_length characters, while ensuring that each segment ends with a space or a line break. The function returns a list of the segmented text.

In the example usage, we define a text variable and a max_length variable, and then call the segment_text() function on the text variable with the max_length variable as the second argument. Finally, we iterate over the resulting segments list and print out each segment with a segment number.
