"AdSense[Google AdSense ]模块-Drupal每日推荐一模块"

Published on Aug. 22, 2023, 12:06 p.m.

这个 Google AdSense 模组让你可以在网站上显示Google的AdSense广告,藉此赚点小钱。

This module provides web content providers with the means to earn revenue from visitors by displaying ads from Google AdSense™ advertising service on their sites.The module is composed by the following sub-modules: AdSense core: Common module stuff. Required, but useless without an ad generator module. * Managed ads: Ad generator that produces the same ad script code as currently generated by Google. * CSE Search: Generates a Custom Search Engine form and the results page. * Ads (old): Ad generator using the old script generated by Google upto 2008, but which is still supported by Google for displaying ads. * Search (old): Generates a Search form and the results page using the old method which allowed the user to select the domain being searched. * Revenue sharing (old): Enables the site owner to share the revenue between page authors in a configurable percentage. Only works with the old ad generator modules. * Click Tracking*: tries to track clicks on the displayed ads, usually failing to do so.
