Published on Aug. 22, 2023, 12:06 p.m.
Gravatars are globally recognized avatars, (an avatar being a small picture used torepresent a user when making comments or posts), and are very popular amongblogs and forums, with many blogs and popular forum systems supportinggravatars. They enable users to use the same avatar across all socially-orientedsites they use, should they wish to.What is a Gravatar?“A gravatar, or globally recognized avatar, is quite simply an 80×80 pixel avatar image that follows you from weblog to weblog appearing beside your name when you comment on gravatar enabled sites. Avatars help identify your posts on web forums, so why not on weblogs?”From http://www.gravatar.comFeaturesUser roles can easily be assigned or denied permission to use GravatarsCustomizable picture size, maturity filter, and default picturesSupports unique generated avatars: identicon, monsterid, and wavatar
Users can disable Gravatar for their user picture or specify a custom Gravatar e-mail address for their accountHow can you get involved?Write a review for this module on drupalmodules.comHelp translate this module at localize.drupal.orgReport any bugs, feature requests, etc. in the issue trackerProject InformationMaintenance status: Actively maintainedModule categories: Third-party Integration,User ManagementReported installs: 1802 sites currently report using this module. View usage statistics.Last modified: October 14, 2010
Avatar Selection
ImageField Avatar
Avatar Approval
Avatar Crop(利用JQuery的剪辑图像)
Hierarchical Select Field Selector