
Published on Aug. 22, 2023, 12:06 p.m.


Infolinks Ads Placement Control

Infolinks Ads Placement Control: <!–INFOLINKS_ON–> and <!–INFOLINKS_OFF–>

The <!–INFOLINKS_ON–> and <!–INFOLINKS_OFF–> placement tags enable the publisher to control which areas of the web page will display Infolinks in-text ads and which areas will not. Inserting an “On” comment tells the Infolinks algorithm to search that section of HTML normally for ad phrases. Inserting an “Off” comment tells the Infolinks algorithm to skip forward through the HTML to the next “On” comment or to the end of the code - whichever comes first.

其实简单的说就是把主体内容显示在**<!–INFOLINKS_ON–> 和 <!–INFOLINKS_OFF–>之间,这样广告就只会显示在你限定的范围内. o(���)o 唉.infolinks的广告单价实在是很不给力,希望给力点呗!
