
Published on Aug. 22, 2023, 12:06 p.m.

Gtalksms 着实是一个令人欣喜的android应用,只要在你的android手机里面装了Gtalksms就可以轻松的实现远程接受手机短信,以及其他一系列的操作了.下面是terry自己测试的:


Terry Chen: Available commands:

  • “help”: shows this help.

  • “help:all”: shows full help.

  • “help:categories” or “help:cat”: shows the help categories.

  • “help:#command#” - “help:#category#”

progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src=’file:///C|/Users/Administrator/AppData/Local/Google/Google%20Talk/avatars/9c6a1cb17234f7873db95dfa6a067594dde91388.online.avatar’); height: 1px;”> Terry Chen: help:all

Terry Chen: Available commands:

  • “help”: shows this help.

  • “help:all”: shows full help.

  • “help:categories” or “help:cat”: shows the help categories.

  • “rm:#filepath#” : Deletes the specified file.

  • “ls:#path#” : Displays the list of files and folders in the specified folder.

  • “send:#file#” : Sends the specified file through XMPP. Use an absolut path, otherwise the last listed directory will be prefixed

  • “shell” : Opens a new chat as a shell.

  • “cmd:#command#” : execute shell instruction with root access if possible.

  • “tts-lang:#fr or fr:CA#” or “ttslang:#fr or fr:CA#” : Set the TTS language with only the language code or with the country code too.

  • “tts:#text to speech#” or “say:#text to speech#” : Speaks the given message.

  • “tts-engine-list” or “ttsenginelist” : Get the TTS Engine list.

  • “tts-lang-list” or “ttslanglist” : Get the TTS language list.

  • “tts-engine:#engine#” or “ttsengine:#engine#” : Set the TTS Engine with the engine namespace (ex: com.google.android.tts).

  • “battery” or “batt” : show battery level in percent.

  • “contact:#contact#” : display informations of a searched contact.

  • “appfind:#app#” : Find an installed application.

  • “applist” or “apps” : Get the list of all installed applications.

  • “applist:user” or “apps:user” : Get the list of all installed user applications.

  • “applist:system” or “apps:system” : Get the list of all installed system applications.

  • “appstart:#app#” or “start:#app#” : Start a specific application.

  • “findsms:#message#” or “fs:#message#” : search specific message in all SMS.

  • “findsms:#contact#:#message#” or “fs:#contact#:#message#” : search specific message in all SMS from searched contacts.

  • “reply:#message#” or “r:#message#” : Sends a SMS to your last recipient with content message.

  • “delsms” : Delete SMS without confirmation!

  • “delsms:all” : Delete all SMS without confirmation!

  • “delsms:sent” : Delete all sent SMS without confirmation!

  • “delsms:last:#number#” : Delete last [number] SMS, 1 by default.

  • “delsms:lastin:#number#” : Delete last [number] received SMS, 1 by default.

  • “delsms:lastout:#number#” : Delete last [number] sent SMS, 1 by default.

  • “delsms:contact:#contact#” : Delete all SMS in the thread of the specified contact without confirmation!

  • “delsms:number:#phone_number#” : Delete all SMS in the thread of the specified number without confirmation!

  • “chat:#contact#” or “c:#contact#” : Creates a new Chat with the contact and invites you to that chat. Leave contact empty to use last contact

  • “sms” or “s” : Displays last sent SMS from every contact.

  • “sms:unread” or “s:unread” : Displays unread SMS from every contact.

  • “sms:#contact#” or “s:#contact#” : Displays last sent SMS from searched contacts.

  • “sms:#contact#:#message#” or “s:#contact#:#message#” : Sends a SMS to number with content message.

  • “markasread:#contact#” or “mar:#contact#” : mark SMS as read for last recipient or given contact.

  • “alias” : Allows the creation/manipulation of permanent aliases, that can be use anywhere within GTalkSMS where otherwise a number of full name would be required

  • “alias:add:#aliasname#:#contact#” : Adds or updates an alias for a given contact or number.

  • “alias:show:#aliasname#” : Shows the alias information. If #aliasname# is “all”, every known alias will be presented.

  • “alias:del:#aliasname#” : Deletes the specified alias.

  • “wifi” or “wlan” : Gives the current state of the Wifi adapter.

  • “wifi:on” or “wlan:on” : Turns on the WiFi adapter.

  • “wifi:off” or “wlan:off” : Turns off the WiFi adapter.

  • “wifi:state” or “wlan:state” : Gives the current state of the Wifi adapter.

  • “wifi:list” or “wlan:list” : Lists all configured networks

  • “wifi:enable:#id#” or “wlan:enable:#id#” : Enables network with the given id

  • “wifi:disable:#id#” or “wlan:disable:#id#” : Disables network with the given id

  • “recipient” or “re” : displays the last recipient.

  • “screenshot” or “sc” : Takes a screenshot and stores it in the picture directory.

  • “screenshot:email” or “sc:email” : Takes a screenshot, stores it and send it by email.

  • “screenshot:xmpp” or “sc:xmpp” : Takes a screenshot, stores it and send it through xmpp connection.

  • “ringmode” : Shows the actual ringer mode.

  • “ringmode:silent” : Set ringer mode to silent.

  • “ringmode:vibrate” : Set ringer mode to vibrate.

  • “ringmode:normal” : Set ringer mode to normal.

  • “ring:[0-100]” : Rings the phone until you send stop. Volume between 0 and 100, 0 to vibrate. Empty to current volume.

  • “ring:stop” : Stops the phone ring.

  • “write:#text#” or “w:#text#” : Writes text as virtual keyboard (don’t forget to activate keyboard in Android Preferences panel).

  • “wappend:#text#” or “wa:#text#” : Appends text as virtual keyboard.

  • “wsend:#text#” or “ws:#text#” or “wl:#text#” : Writes text as virtual keyboard and validate the field.

  • “dial:#contact#” : dial the specified contact.

  • “calls:#count#” : display call log. The number argument is optional

  • “reject” : reject the incoming phone call

  • “ignore” : ignore the incoming phone call

  • “http:#url#” or “https:#url#” : Pastes links and open it with the appropriate application.

  • “clipboard:#text#” or “copy:#text#” : copy text to clipboard or sent phone clipboard if text is empty.

  • “exit” or “quit” : Quits the application on your phone.

  • “where” : Sends you Google Maps/OSM updates about the location of the phone until you send stop.

  • “where:stop” : Stops the location updates.

  • “geo:#address#” : Open Maps or Navigation or Street view on specific address.

  • “flash” or “light” : turn flashlight on.

  • “flash:on” or “light:on” : turn flashlight on.

  • “flash:off” or “light:off” : turn flashlight off.

  • “camera” or “photo” : take a photo and store it in the picture directory.

  • “camera:email” or “photo:email” : take a photo, store it and send it by email.

  • “camera:xmpp” or “photo:xmpp” : take a photo, store it and send it through xmpp connection.

  • “camera:list” or “photo:list” : list all camera.

  • “camera:set:#number#” or “photo:set:#number#” : set the default camera to take photo.

  • “bluetooth” or “bt” : give the current state of the bluetooth adapter.

  • “bluetooth:on” or “bt:on” : turn on the bluetooth adapter.

  • “bluetooth:off” or “bt:off” : turn off the bluetooth adapter. 很多命令,自己慢慢看.总之很强大











发送手机位置信息(google maps 链接)

把文字复制到android phone剪贴板。




