"Localization client让Drupal汉化变得更简单-Drupal每日推荐一模块"

Published on Aug. 22, 2023, 12:06 p.m.

这个模块的主要目标在提供一个方便的方式翻译你的网站介面。它提供了两个方式达到这个令人瞩目的目标。*一个没有专属页面的语言编辑器介面,使用AJAX callbacks,可以让你直接在你想要检视的网页上自订翻译的介面。 (Drupal 5.x and Drupal 6.x)*一个翻译套件的重新汇入工具,帮助你从Drupal 5升级以及任何时间进行升级,可以汇入新的以及变更过的的翻译内容。 (此功能只有在Drupal 6.x才有;Drupal 5要使用Autolocale来达到类似的功能)

The primary goal of this module is to provide easy ways to localize your site interface. To achieve this, it provides three noticeable features:* An on-page localization editor interface, which allows customization of the interface translation right on the actual web pages viewed, using AJAX callbacks. (Drupal 5.x and Drupal 6.x) * Instant sharing of localized strings as you input them with a Localization server. (Drupal 6.x) * A translation package reimport tool, which helps people upgrading from Drupal 5 and those upgrading their translation packages anytime onwards, to import new and changed translations. (Only Drupal 6.x, look for similar functionality in Drupal 5 to Autolocale)

Future plans include the other way of the connection to a central translation server so translations might be possible to download and import.

Video demonstrations
