"說實話QQ團隊的敬業很讓人感動,不過產品嘛so so啦,另外不得不說的沒想到騰訊..."

Published on Aug. 22, 2023, 12:08 p.m.

說實話QQ團隊的敬業很讓人感動,不過產品嘛so so啦,另外不得不說的沒想到騰訊自己家的人都那麼多人用新浪微博,囧/////////////////////話說騰訊微博上的垃圾內容確實比新浪要多得很,整天無聊的被@,雖然本人不怎麼登錄騰訊微博,並且每次登錄都舉報一大批的廣告帳戶,正所謂道高一尺魔高一丈,更何況騰訊微博又不作為.......View or comment on Terry Chen’s post »Google+ makes sharing on the web more like sharing in real life. Learn more.Join Google+
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